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Distinguished Lecture Series: Global Terrestrial Relief Modeling: Challenges and Quality Issues

  • Date

    20 May 2024

  • Organiser

    Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics

  • Time

    11:00 - 12:00

  • Venue

    Z414 Map  


Prof. Laurent POLIDORI


Ms Stephanie Cheung 34003662


Moderator: Prof. Bo WU, Associate Head (Research), LSGI


Until the eighteenth century, maps represented relief by symbolic shapes meaning "this is a mountain". Subsequently, advances in topography and then photogrammetry, stimulated by the needs of war and civil engineering, transformed the artistic work into a rigorous document. However, the maps of different countries differed in terms of specification (the choice of what the map should represent), scale and accuracy. As a result, the world map was a mosaic of sheets of heterogeneous quality. We had to wait for the advent of satellites to have a homogenous representation of the Earth's relief. The lecture will show how topographic techniques such as photogrammetry and radar interferometry, initially validated with airborne acquisitions, were implemented by satellite, first opportunistically and then with dedicated space missions. The particular case of forested regions such as the Amazon, where all the techniques are potentially degraded, will be considered. The question of quality will be addressed: the lecture will show the limits of the usual methods of validating 3D models, based on the statistical distance between the model and reality. Original approaches will be discussed, showing how geomorphological realism and hydrographic coherence can constrain the modelling of relief with invariant properties of the planet Earth.


Keynote Speaker

Prof. Laurent POLIDORI

President of ISPRS Commission III “Remote Sensing”

Laurent Polidori completed his doctorate degree in geosciences (1991) and an habilitation to supervise research (2001) from the University of Paris. He has experience in remote sensing and photogrammetry, with applications in geoscience, environmental sciences and land administration. He was a researcher in the space industry (Aérospatiale, Cannes, France, 1991-1999) and in environmental research (IRD, Cayenne, French Guiana, 1999-2006). He was a full professor at CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France, 2007-2015), where he was the director of ESGT (Institution of higher education and research in cartography and land administration). He was transferred to CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) as a full researcher, director of CESBIO (Center for Studies of the Biosphere from Space, Toulouse, France, 2016-2020). He is currently full professor at CNAM laid-off. He is currently the president (since 2022) of ISPRS Commission III “Remote Sensing”. He is the author or coordinator of 7 books and numerous publications and communications in the field of remote sensing and land surface mapping.

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